
In order to enter the settings page click on the settings link in the upper right-hand corner of the header. There, if you choose the settings tab, you will be able, among other things, to set the layout of your tag box and post lists, the details of which are explained in what follows.

Tagbox layout#

The first five fields of this section can be used to specify various settings of your tag box layout.

show tags as
defines whether your tags will be displayed in a cloud or as a list.
sort tags by
sets a standard order for displaying tags, either alphabetically or according to a tag's frequency.
tooltips for tags
enables or disables tooltips shown when a mouse cursor is moved over a tag.
choice of tags
specifies the way tags are displayed in a cloud: either the X most frequent tags or tags with the minimum frequency of X are displayed.
tag threshold
defines either the number of tags in a cloud (X) or the minimum frequency for each tag.

Layout of post lists#

In the items per page field below those dealing with the tag box, you can choose the maximum number of posts shown per page.

By selecting/deselecting the show bookmarks and/or show publications check box, you can also specify here which resources are to be displayed by default.

Appearance: simple and advanced modes#

You can choose between two modes, a simple and an advanced one.

In the advanced mode, all options of the edit bookmark and edit publication pages are displayed, whereas in the simple mode some expert options are hidden.

In the case of the edit bookmark page, such expert options would be the viewable for and the relevant for fields, which you can use to determine which group your post is available and interesting for (you can find further information on visibility here).

Furthermore, in the case of the edit publication page these options, apart from the viewable for and relevant for would also include such fields as detailed information on the publication (month, url, how it was published, etc), comments and notes (description, private note, etc) as well as scraper information.

For more information and exemplary screenshots have a look at this blog post.


Also, you can set here your desired default language: English or German.

Categories: Advanced, API, Basic, MySelf